
Tuesday, July 23, 2013



that's the number of days that i have been a stay-at-home mom. let me tell you, they were the best of times, they were the worst of times. i'd like to think that there are three categories of SAHM's.

the ones who love it. this is it. it's your gifting and calling. your very heartbeat. and {of course} not without its challenges but you're there everyday. pancakes, play dates, and nap times, you're rocking it out. you wouldn't trade one tantrum/dirty diaper/sloppy kiss/snuggle for anything in this world.

the ones who regret it. i don't think anyone is really out there regretting spending time with their kids but perhaps a couple times a week, during a certain time of day, maybe when the babes are being particularly cranky you find yourself thinking the grass is greener on the other side. remembering the good ol' days as a woman with a career and a purpose. painting the picture of the past better than what it was.

the ones that take it day by day. everything in its own season and you know that this is your season. children are a product of their environment and you're working hard everyday to make sure you are creating the best environment for their little minds to grow and develop. motherhood is every range of emotion every minute of the day and some days are harder/easier than others. 

i can easily see myself in these three categories at least once by the time monday has m o r p h e d into friday. one thing i know is that if i want to maintain any sanity in this season of my life is that i need to continue to surround myself with life giving friends, stay plugged in my church/community, and keep in constant communication with my husband. pressure from today's society will come from every direction and without a strong foundation it's easy to think your worth will be found in a career or something else but it isn't. it comes from God and his plan is bigger and better that ours. it's perfect. 
something i don't think any mom can deny is how amazing those little leg grabbing, crumb dropping, alphabet singing, cuties can be. no matter how you spend your time with them.


  1. I think stay at home moms, especially moms with newborns or moms that have recently become stay at home, regardless of their child's age, are susceptible to the challenge of redefining themselves in their new role. Most people I know do not find cleaning up poop particularly glamorous and finding that you are "that smell" is not a goal for most. Even more, though their smiles and reciprocated love are worth more than the world, the tangible appreciation that comes on a scheduled basis in the form of paychecks, the appreciation that most have grown to partially define themselves by, is no longer. Out with paychecks is also verbal positive reinforcement from your boss (who has been replaced by a baby/ babies), casual adult conversation, and steady adult company.

    Becoming a stay at home mom is a difficult transition; one that calls for several paradigm shifts. Even having identified with the importance and relishing in being a stay at home parent, it is still easy to become bored or fall into the routine of "managing" your children rather than spending more meaningful time with them.

    I agree that you have to carefully manage yourself, making time to pursue personal interests and purposely maintain a sense of community.

    It is definitely a surprising milestone when you experience joy and fulfillment in your little one doing something your old self would not at all find amusing, especially in the role of being a stay at home parent (which tends to make it all that more amusing)!
